Extra activities

Two extra activities will be carried out on friday 4th of October in the Congress site (Facultad de Económicas de la UMA). The activities are opened to all registered members, they are free, although fellows of Sociedad Española de Ficología (SEF) will have priority.

To register, send an e-mail to Maria Altamirano: altamirano@uma.es, indicating name, surname and activity, also specifying is you are SEF fellow.


- Workshop on Introduction to Scientific illustration with seaweeds and watercolor.
Headed by the scientific llustrator Vanessa González Ortíz.
Time: 11:00 - 12:30.
Site: Room Ángeles Alvariño.

Attention! The room maximum capacity is 20 people. Register now!

- Showcooking Cooking with seaweeds.
Headed by the Chef Professor of the University of Cádiz Lucas Pérez Llorens.
Time: 13:00 - 14:00
Site: Faculty garden.

- Chickpeas salad with pickled Himanthalia and emulsion of Allium nigrum.
- Tagliatelle of cephalopod with Japanese seaweeds (Hijiki and Arame) and pesto of sea lettuce.

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